celestial furnace: sentient vessels
(All Things Ceramic, Louise Chignac, p126, From the Pot to the Earth at Rochester Square)
“...Clay's ubiquity, accessibility and malleable nature have allowed it to be one of the few materials of the ancient world that escaped any hierarchical classification, having never been reserved for a unique function. The material happily lends itself to all functions - plate, bowl, religious vessel or magical figurine - bridging the gap between the rich and the poor, high and low culture, design and utility. Ceramic as a medium constantly flitters between art and craft; it generously straddles both simultaneously and without discrimination. Clay has no time for aesthetic politics or the musings of disgruntled critics. It will be whatever it needs to be.”
The vessels in this series form an equilibrium between human and non-human, crafted by the desire for (re)imagining hybrid futures. Drawing inspiration from nature and the divine, the objects open a portal for envisioning new narratives and a playground for emerging rituals.
Some still available for purchase, contact via email regarding size & delivery / price list here